I believe that Thursdays are the perfect time to discuss the kinds of programming that have been on our television screens lately. While I do have my favorite ones (as you know, I believe Law and Order takes the cake over CSI) I am open to trying new suggestions and having your comments up on my blog. Just shoot them to me.
Well, I am thrilled that the new season of Project Runway has started. Yes, season five of crazy adventures all in the name of fashion has returned to your television set. I had heard that they were going to move this season to LA, and am excited to say that it is still in New York. Tim Gunn, the resident

mentor, is my favorite. He is always prancing about and giving his two cents to each contestant, while adding his trademark line, "Make it Work". Fabulous. I love people with trademark sayings, it just makes your more unique. However, I hate how Paris says,"That's hot" but love how Victoria Beckham chants, "That's major". Maybe it's the accent, I don't know. Even though I will miss last season's fierce winner, Christian, I am sure that he is enjoying his vacay and making wonderful clothes for all the fabulous people in the world. Hopefully I will own something from his collection one day. You must tune into Bravo on Wednesday nights to see the fifteen competitors duke it out in crazy competitions and see how they use their skills to make anything fashionable. I don't have a clear cut favorite yet, but some of the girls are really talented.
If you are fortunate enough to be like me, and have Tivo/DVR capability on your entertainment system, then you can also enjoy another hit summer show on Fox, So You Think You Can Dance! This is one of my all time favorite shows, and wish that it was shown year round. So, I am always thrilled in the summer when these wonderful dancers appear gracefully on my television screen in full costume doing wonderful choreography. You may not know, but I am also a dancer. I grew up taking classes, choreographed a few musicals, and took a couple classes in college. This is really why I feel a strong connection to the creators, contestants, and of course Cat Deeley. She is one of my likes (previous

post) who is the host of this wonderful show. Now, this show has been on for a little while, and we are now down to the top 10 dancers America! My favorite dancer is Will, whom I voted for a few times last night. His lines and technique along with his perfomance value make him a true stand out. If I were to bet on a winner, my money would be on him. I also enjoy Katee, Chelsie, Twitch, Mark, and Courtney. I know, I know, that is pretty much all of the finalists, but hey, I am a sucker for a good performance. However, Comfort has got to go. That is all I am saying.
Last night, after a wonderful day, I got to thinking about my previous post, and began to think that I am starting to sound like an old woman because of my activities from that day. I mean the art museum and quiche for lunch, but then I thought, I have always enjoyed these things, so I tried to push that thought out. As I was ending a phone conversation the person said, Well I better let you get to bed, and I simply replied, darling I have been laying in bed for the majority of this conversation. Which then made me start thinking - wow, I am in bed at 10 ready for my beauty sleep. But, I have been sick, so that covers that point. Then it hit me - I am no longer the girl staying at Cool Beans till 3 a.m. I watched the second portion of the PBS special yesterday on The Windsors. Who am I becoming? However, I just take it up to the fact that I am staying in line with culture and storing up random facts that I can use when playing Trivial Pursuit. And I do love the life that I am living right now, I feel fabulous. Well I would feel even more super fabulous if I was making some money, but whatev. However, I am not going to just trick you into believing that I sit around all day sipping wine and reading Jane Austen. I do, in fact, have a little teeny-bopper inside of me. In middle/high school, I was in love with NSYNC. Especially Lance. Turns out he's gay, which is pretty lame, but believe me I was one of the first ones to buy the People Magazine with his "coming out" story. Once a fan, always a fan. I

saw them live three times, once in Jackson, MS. Whoa. However, I have a mild obsession with both Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers. I was shocked to learn that the three Jonas Brothers were all younger than me! Gasp! The oldest is just 20. So know I feel kind of weird thinking that they are cute. And an interesting fact is that both Miley and all three brothers wear purity rings, which I think is a great thing for teenagers. However, we all know when they find some hot new High School Musical star, those morals will probably just go out the window. It is nice to just imagine they are all clean cut. But, I bet they like to do some pretty rebellious things every now and then. Any who, check out the Jonas Brothers new single Burnin' Up. I am not afraid to admit that I am a fan.