14 June 2011

Gym Time

{As I am sure you can tell, I love food.  Especially sweets.  I have always loved to eat my entire life.  Now, I am not saying that I am pulling Biggest Loser style dinners and eating an entire pizza, but I also don't like to say to brownies when they are offered to me.  Therefore, I have learned that I must be a faithful gym member so I can indulge in sweets. 

In college, I rarely went to the gym, ate out all the time and enjoyed drinking Bud Light several nights a week.  Once I entered the real world, I learned that I needed to hit the gym, even if for 30 minutes.  And boy, does it feel great to be able to buy size zero, two, and four clothing.  Please don't think that I am trying to brag, as there are many of times that I have hoisted my rear on the bike for a spin class when all I wanted to do was indulge in peanut butter M&Ms.  I am merely saying that I feel much healthier now than I did three years ago.  The main thing I have learned is that I have to balance working out, healthy eating and occasional sweet treats.
What do you like to do at the gym?  Do you ever reward yourself with chocolate or a glass of wine after a long day at work?

Here some of my favorite "gym picks".}

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